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Sabtu, 03 Januari 2009
Creating the Leather Binding and Embossing Effect

Creating the Leather Binding and Embossing Effect

Creating the Leather Binding and Embossing Effect

One more Photoshop tutorial how to create the leather binding and embossing effect.

First of all, make a new document in Photoshop. I created a new document sized 500×300 pixels with all the default settings, RGB, 72 dpi and fill it with color of #424947.

Leather Binding and Embossing Effect 01

After that use Google search to find some appropriate picture of leather texture to use in tutorial. Then bring it onto the canvas like on picture below:

Leather Binding and Embossing Effect 02

Press Ctrl+J to duplicate this texture and move it a little bit left. Then use the Eraser Tool (Opacity: 50%) to make texture edges softer.

Leather Binding and Embossing Effect 03

Now you can merge two of this texture layers. Using the Rectangular Marquee Tool create selection like below and cut away selected part of image.

Leather Binding and Embossing Effect 04

Remove the selection with Ctrl+D and apply the Drop Shadow layer style to this layer:

Leather Binding and Embossing Effect 05

Leather Binding and Embossing Effect 06

Now get out the Line Tool (Weight: 5 px) and draw a black line:

Leather Binding and Embossing Effect 07

Add one more white line with Line Tool:

Leather Binding and Embossing Effect 08

Merge two of lines in one layer and apply Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur with similar settings to these:

Leather Binding and Embossing Effect 09

Now we have something like this:

Leather Binding and Embossing Effect 10

Change layer mode to Overlay and set up opacity to 70%.

Leather Binding and Embossing Effect 11

Time to create binding. Get out the Pencil Tool and draw the hatch like on my picture. Use the color of #cdc08c.

Leather Binding and Embossing Effect 12

After that apply Drop Shadow and Bevel and Emboss layer styles to this hatch layer:

Leather Binding and Embossing Effect 13

Leather Binding and Embossing Effect 14

Leather Binding and Embossing Effect 15

After that I would like to bring the hatch more realistic view. For this effect create a new layer and make selection using the Rectangular Marquee Tool like on a picture below. Then drag the selected area with white to transparent gradient.

Leather Binding and Embossing Effect 16

Make the same things from the other side of the hatch using black color on the same layer:

Leather Binding and Embossing Effect 17

Remove the selection with Ctrl+D, then get out the Eraser Tool and a soft round brush (Size: 5 pixels, Opacity: 70%) and clear area between stitches.

Leather Binding and Embossing Effect 18

Ok, we are done with this part of tutorial. Now I would like to add some text and design element. Get out the Horizontal Type Tool and write out some text in two lines and different layers using the color of #ffff00:

Leather Binding and Embossing Effect 19

In the above image I’ve used a font called Script MT Bold, which is sadly a commercial font. Feel free to try a different font if you don’t have it. After that apply Outer Glow, Bevel and Еmboss, Color Overlay and Gradient Overlay layer styles to each of two text layers:

Leather Binding and Embossing Effect 20

Leather Binding and Embossing Effect 21

Leather Binding and Embossing Effect 22

Leather Binding and Embossing Effect 23

Alright, now, hopefully your text looks something like this:

Leather Binding and Embossing Effect 24

After that I would like to add some design element. Get out the Custom Shape Tool and select Leaf Ornament 2 (this is standard shape).

Leather Binding and Embossing Effect 25

Use color of #ffff00 to get the picture as below:

Leather Binding and Embossing Effect 26

After that go to the text layer and copy layer style with Layer > layer Style > Copy Layer Style, then go back to shape layer and paste it with Layer > layer Style > Paste Layer Style:

Leather Binding and Embossing Effect 27

Now correct the Bevel and Emboss layers style like on my picture below:

Leather Binding and Embossing Effect 28

Now we have something like this:

Leather Binding and Embossing Effect 29

Well, thank you for reading this tutorial everyone! I hope you enjoyed it and learned a thing or two.

Leather Binding and Embossing Effect 30


posted by Make Some Better @ Sabtu, Januari 03, 2009  
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