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Sabtu, 03 Januari 2009
Bulletin Board
1. Open a new document around size 400 x 300 or whatever size you want your bulletin to be. Fill it with #ecab3e.

2. Go to Filter- Noise- Add Noise- 25%, Uniform, Monochromatic. Go to Filter- Pixelate- Facet. Then go to Filter- Pixelate- Crystallize- Cell Size 3. Go to Filter- Blur- Blur. You now have the cork board texture.

Step 2

3. Make a new layer. Grab the Rectangle Tool and using white as your color, make a shape that looks roughly like a piece of paper and fills up most of the canvas. It can be off to the side to leave room for making buttons later. Double click the layer to get to the Layer Style and click on Pattern Overlay (the word, not the checkbox) and fill it with a paper-looking pattern.

Step 3

4. Click on the Background layer and then make a new layer (this is so the new layer is under the paper layer). Click back on the paper layer and press Control and E at the same time to merge the layer down. Go to Edit- Free Transform and tilt the piece of paper on its side a little bit. Then grab the eraser tool and a grunge brush and erase the sides slightly (just a very little bit).

Step 4

5. Double click the layer to get to the Layer Style. Click on Pattern Overlay. Change the Blend Mode to Overlay (feel free to lower the opacity) and find a pattern that slightly distresses the lines on the paper. Click on Drop Shadow and keep all the default settings except change the opacity to 30%.

Optional: if you have a newer version of Photoshop, go to Edit- Transform- Warp and stretch the sides and corners to give it a more natural look, rather than a solid rectangle.

Step 5

6. Make a new layer. Grab the circle tool and a bright, push pin color (like red) and draw a small circle at one of the paper's corners.

Hint: Hold down shift before drawing a shape to make it proportional.

Repeat with a different color in the opposite corner. Double click the layer and change the following settings:
Drop Shadow
Opacity: 70%
Distance: 2px
Bevel and Emboss
Depth: 500%
Size: 3px
Soften: 2px
Shadow Mode: Overlay

Your board should look something like this now:

Step 6

7. For an extra special touch, write something on the paper and lower the opacity to about 70% so the color isn't too harsh.

Step 7

8. Next we're going to add some buttons to the cork to make it look more like a bulletin board. Other ideas are sticky notes, tape, buttons, beads, photographs, or anything you can think of. Make a new layer and add a circle of any color (I'm making a smiley button, so I used yellow).

Double click the layer and change the following settings:
Drop Shadow
Opacity: 70%
Distance: 2px
Bevel and Emboss
Depth: 100%
Size: 10px
Shadow Mode: Overlay

If you're making the same button, draw a smiley face on it now (or for any other button, add the design on top.)

Step 8

9. Repeat this for any other buttons and make adjustments or additions until you are satisfied with the result. I moved the buttons around and made the cork a little darker and redder. Here is the finished bulletin board:

Step 9


posted by Make Some Better @ Sabtu, Januari 03, 2009  
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