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Senin, 24 November 2008
Mastering Photoshop's Clone Stamp Tool
Photoshop's Clone Stamp Tool is one of Photoshop's most powerful tools. At its most basic, it simply copies (or "clones") one area of an image over another. Using this relatively simple concept, though, you can actually cover a lot of ground when it comes to editing or repairing your digital photographs.

NOTE: Although this Adobe Photoshop tutorial was written using Photoshop CS2, the Clone Stamp tool has been around since before version 3. No matter what version of Photoshop you're using, you'll find that the Clone Stamp tool behaves in pretty much the same manner as outlined in this Photoshop lesson.

Clone Stamp - The Basics

Even as of Photoshop CS2 (and even Photoshop CS3), I still believe that the Clone Stamp tool is one of the most powerful Photoshop tools available. Although it uses a fairly simple concept of copying one area in an image over another you'll quickly find that the Clone Stamp tool can be very useful in many photo editing and photo repair situations.

Some of the things that you'll find the Clone Stamp tool useful for are:

  • Removing small blemishes in photographs (small scars or pimples in portraits, for example)
  • Removing objects, such as telephone wires (or even people), from photos
  • Repairing tears in scanned images of old photographs
  • Removing braces from a smile in portraits
  • Fixing stains in scans of older photographs
  • ...and tons more
I'm sure that once you've got some hands-on experience with the Clone Stamp tool, you'll find tons of things that it can be used for.

Getting Started with the Clone Stamp

The Clone Stamp tool (see figure 28.1) may seem a bit mysterious in the beginning as far as novice Photoshop users are concerned.

figure 28.1
figure 28.1

I imagine the trouble, at least partly, is that the tool can be a little intimidating. In fact, if you simply select the Clone Stamp tool and click anywhere within your image, you'll be presented with an error message dialog box such as the one seen in figure 28.2.

figure 28.2
figure 28.2

NOTE: When using Photoshop CS2 or Photoshop CS3, you may sometimes get an even less informative error dialog box that simply states that there is a program error.

Let's take a look at the error message... the message says, "Could not use the clone stamp because the area to clone has not been defined (Alt-click to define a source point)."

What this message is trying to tell you is that you have not yet selected an area that the tool should use to copy from, and to do so, you should Alt-click the area that you wish to use. That sounds simply enough. Let's take a look at how that's done, and then get in a little practice using the Clone Stamp. I'll be using the image that you see in figure 28.3.

figure 28.3
figure 28.3

Figure 28.3 is a photograph of my Boxer puppy when she was quite young... you can easily see the potential for puppy mischief in her eyes :) The problem with this particular photograph is that the pup appears to have a leash growing out of the top of her head. This particular photo would certainly be more attractive without the leash, and the best Photoshop tool to help get rid of the leash is the Clone Stamp tool.

Using the Clone Stamp tool it will be possible to cover the leash using some of the surrounding grassy lawn. Figure 28.4 gives you an idea of what the finished image looks like once the leash has been "removed" with the Clone Stamp tool.
figure 28.4

Although working with a high-res image is best, you can work along with the image of the Boxer pup if you'd like. If you already have Photoshop open, you can simply drag-n-drop the image from the web page into Photoshop. Alternatively, you can right-click the image and save it somewhere so that you can then open it in Photoshop.

With the image open that you want to work on, zoom-in to the area that needs attention...

NOTE: To zoom-in, select the Zoom tool near the bottom-right of the toolbar (you can press the 'Z' key to do so) and then click-and-drag around the area that you what to work on. You can see if figure 28.5 that I've zoomed-in on the area with the leash.

figure 28.5

Select the Clone Stamp tool (in Photoshop CS2 it's the fifth icon down on the left in the toolbar).

NOTE: The Clone Stamp tool shares its toolbar place with the Pattern Stamp tool. The Pattern Stamp tool uses a pattern as its source. To see both tools, click and hold down the stamp tool icon and choose the Clone Stamp tool from the flyout menu.

With the Clone Stamp tool selected, take a look at the available options. The options (see figure 28.6) can be found just below the main menu.

figure 28.6
figure 28.6

The first icon from the left enables access to any previously stored presets. Next you'll find an icon that enables you to select a brush size and hardness. You can also set the Mode, the Opacity, and the Flow. Finally, you can set the "Aligned" and "Sample All Layers" options. Between the Flow and Aligned options, you can also set the brush so that it behaves like an airbrush.

For now, we'll only be concerned with setting the brush. To follow along, though, make sure that the Aligned option has a checkmark next to it, that the Mode is set to Normal, and that the Opacity and Flow are both set to 100%.

Click the Brush icon and set the size (Master Diameter) of the brush so that it approximates the size of the object (in this case the leash) that you want to clone over. You can see, in figure 28.7, that I've set the brush to about 80 pixels and the hardness to about 50%. You can also see the size of the cursor (it's visible near the buckle of the leash) in the image, and how I've made it a little bigger than the width of the leash.

figure 28.7
figure 28.7

With the brush set, it's time to begin. Position the mouse near the leash, but not touching it, and hold down the ALT key. Doing so will change the appearance of the cursor as seen in figure 28.8.

figure 28.8
figure 28.8

Click the mouse to set the "source" area. The source area is where the image data will be copied from, i.e. where you click will be the starting point for the source.

Move the cursor over the leash and click-and-drag to copy some of the grass over the leash (see figure 28.9).

figure 28.9
figure 28.9

In figure 28.9 you can see that the Clone Stamp tool displays two cursors. The first starts out where you ALT-clicked and the second shows up where you start to click-and-drag. You can see that I've dragged down a little with the tool. As I did so the tool (indicated by the circular cursor) covered the leash with a copy, or "clone" of the grass to the right (from under the crosshair cursor).

Wrapping Up (for now)

There're a couple of things to note here... Firstly, I set the brush to a medium softness. The reason I did so is because the grass in the photograph is a little soft due to the focus being on the pup and not the lawn. If you set the brush too hard in a situation like this, you'll get weird edges where you use the tool. Not good as the best use of the tool leaves no trace of it having been used. Secondly, I set the brush to a size that would cover the leash with one stroke... This works well in this particular situation, and would do so as well if you were covering something like telephone lines. You may have to set a smaller brush and use multiple strokes to cover the object in other situations, though. And lastly, It may be difficult to remove the leash as you get nearer the top of the puppy's head. In this case it would be wise to make a selection around the area so that the brush only covers the leash and not the surrounding head.

I'll cover how you can do that and a whole lot more in the next lesson where we'll explore the settings not covered in this basic lesson. As well, I'll show you some of my favorite tips and techniques for using Photoshop's Clone Stamp tool.

That's it for now... Be sure to check out some of our other Photoshop tutorials, and remember kids, only use your grafX powers for good and not evil :)


posted by Make Some Better @ Senin, November 24, 2008   0 comments
Membuat Sketsa Wajah Kartun dengan Liquify Photoshop

Salah satu metode tercepat untuk membuat karikatur adalah dengan menggunakan filter Liquify. Secara spesifik, filter ini berfungsi untuk mendistorsi bentuk-bentuk objek yang ada di kanvas, terutama objek raster atau bitmap. Setelah itu, Anda bisa mengubah foto itu menjadi kartun dengan filter-filter khusus yang bertebaran di menu Filter.

Berikut langkah-langkah untuk mengubah foto menjadi hasil karikatur dengan teknik termudah menggunakan Photoshop CS3, yaitu Liquify:

1. Klik menu File > Open.


Gambar 1.2. Tampilan Kotak Dialog Open

2. Pilih item Hitler.jpg pada kotak dialog Open.

3. Kalau sudah tekan tombol Open.


Gambar 1.3. Output Mengklik Tombol Open

4. Klik kanan pada panel Layer Background, kemudian pilih Duplicate Layer.


Gambar 1.4. Tampilan Klik Kanan Panel Layer Background


Gambar 1.5. Tampilan Kotak Dialog Duplicate Layer

5. Klik tombol OK.

6. Tekan ikon Indicates Layer Visibility clip_image009 pada Layer Background sehingga layer itu berada dalam kondisi disembunyikan.


Gambar 1.6. Menonaktifkan Layer Background

7. Pilih menu Filter > Liquify.


Gambar 1.7. Tampilan Output Mengklik Hitler.jpg pada Menu History

8. Atur Brush Size pada Tool Options sampai dengan nilai 79.


Gambar 1.8. Tampilan Pengaturan Brush Size

9. Gerakkan kursor yang berbentuk lingkaran di seputar kening bagian kiri untuk menipiskan rambut di bagian atas telinga.


Gambar 1.9. Tampilan Proses Penyapuan Bagian Kening Samping

10. Atur kembali Brush Size pada Tool Options sampai angka 109.


Gambar 1.10. Tampilan Pengaturan Brush Size: 109

11. Sapukan kursor di bagian seputar kepala untuk menghasilkan bentuk yang terkesan kurang beraturan.


Gambar 1.11. Tampilan Pengaturan Bentuk Kepala

12. Bentuk bagian seputar rahang menjadi lebih tirus dan tulang pipi lebih menonjol dengan menyapukan kursor di bagian tersebut.


Gambar 1.12. Tampilan Pengaturan Bentuk Rahang dan Tulang Pipi

13. Setelah memperoleh bentuk wajah yang diinginkan, kemudian klik tombol OK.


Gambar 1.13. Tampilan Mengklik OK


Gambar 1.14. Tampilan Output Klik OK

14. Apabila gambar karikatur yang diinginkan dirasa masih kurang baik atau masih sama dengan gambar aslinya, maka pilih menu Filter > Liquify untuk mengatur kembali bentuk wajah sebagaimana yang diinginkan.

15. Sapukan kursor pada bagian sekitar rahang dan dagu untuk menghasilkan bentuk wajah yang lebih tirus.


Gambar 1.15. Tampilan Pembentukan Rahang dan Dagu

16. Gerakkan kursor ke bagian kepala untuk memperoleh bentuk kepala yang lebih besar dari bagian wajah.


Gambar 1.16. Tampilan Bentuk Kepala

17. Untuk memperoleh karikatur yang lebih bagus, bentuklah telinga yang lebih besar dengan menyapukan kursor pada bagian tersebut.


Gambar 1.17. Tampilan Bentuk Telinga

18. Klik ikon Pucker Tool clip_image034 untuk membuat mata agar terkesan lebih sayu.


Gambar 1.18. Tampilan Bentuk Mata

19. Tekan ikon Bloat Tool clip_image037, kemudian atur kembali Brush Size: 163.


Gambar 1.19. Tampilan Tool Options

20. Sapukan kursor di bagian hidung dan kumis untuk menghasilkan bentuk hidung yang lebih besar dan kumis yang terkesan tebal, kalau sudah klik tombol OK.


Gambar 1.20. Tampilan Output Pengaturan Bentuk Wajah


Gambar 1.21. Karikatur Hitler

21. Pilih menu Filter > Liquify lagi.

22. Sapukan kursor pada bagian bahu.


Gambar 1.22. Tampilan Bentuk Bahu

23. Gerakkan kursor di bagian kerah baju untuk menghasilkan bentuk yang terkesan lebih pendek.


Gambar 1.23. Pengaturan Bentuk Kerah Baju

24. Untuk memperoleh bentuk yang lebih bagus, sapukan kursor pada bagian bahu kanan dan kiri agar tampak lebih pendek atau tidak menonjol.


Gambar 1.24. Bentuk Bahu

25. Tekan tombol OK, kalau sudah.


posted by Make Some Better @ Senin, November 24, 2008   0 comments
Illustrasi 3D USB - Melayang di Udara

Kali ini gw share hasil belajar gw, tema tutorial tetep experimental dan belum pernah gw bikin sebelumna

Kalo sebelumna gw bikin flash disk dengan 2D, kali ini gw bikin dengan 3D, tentuna tidak semudah membuat objek 3D di Maya atow 3D Max.

Preview hasil akhir na, bwat penyemangat kalian :))

tertarik kan bwat nyoba ???

Seperti biasa puter musik lu sekeras keras nya, hilangkan stress !! hilangkan beban pikiran !!! hilangkan semua yang mbikin ruwet di otak lu pada !!!

Buka Mesin Photoshop Lu... !!! bwat dokumen baru ukuran 1000 x 1000 px, background putih dan DPI na 300 pixel/inc

huoke, siapkan marquee tool na, bikin bidang seleksi, dengan Fixed size : 100 x 240 px, dan gunakan mistar guide bwat mbikin batasan setelah seleksi terbentuk

Sebelumna hilangin seleksi na dolo dengan [CTRL+D], bikin layer baru kasi nama layer "front b"

ambil shape tool, dengan mode: Fill Path.

Pencet [CTRL+T] dan Trasnform Rotate 30 derajat ke kiri. Sikat !!!! Tombol [ENTER] na wkwkwkwwkwk :))

kembali [CTRL+T] kali ini pilih gunakan Skew -30 derajat, kembali HAJAR !!! tombol ENTER na, hihi :))

Lu boleh trasform Rotate dan Skew sekaligus, cuman hasilna ujung shape jadi rada pecah

Sekarang duplikat layer front b atow [CTRL+J], geser sekitar 30 pixel ke kanan (atow satu kali [SHIFT+Panah ke kanan] )

Ubah nama layer hasil duplikat menjadi front a

Kasi gradasi bwat layer front a, dengan warna gradasi dari #3a3a3a ke #a8a8a8

perhatikan perpotongan kedua ujung atas dan bawah, ambil tool poligon lasso, bwat menutupi bidang yang masih terbuka, dan kasi warna sama, pada layer front b

kasi gradasi juga bwat layer front b gunakan gradasi sedikit metal untuk layer front a

pencet [CTRL+Click] pada layer front a, geser seleksi na ke kanan sesuai ukuran flash disk yg ada di imajinasi lu, bikin layer baru namanya "back-side". Tros kasi warna grey agak muda

haha, masih lom jadi juga, ya iyaaalaaahhh kan lom apa apa, masih panjang mbro... !!!

bikin layer baru, dibawak front b, kasi nama layer body.

ambil poligon lasso tool, bikin bidang seleksi mengikuti petunjuk berwarna orange. Tros [CTRL+Click+SHIFT] pada layer back-side, nah jadi seleksi keseluruhan body bakalan kaya gini

kasi warna sama grey juga

untuk sementara hidden aja layer back-side na (hilangkan ikon mata pada layer back-side).

selanjot na, kasi gradasi ke gini bwat body na:

dengan menggunakan move tool, klik dan drag arah gradasi na biar sesua intensitas terang gelapna, catatan: teknik klik dan drag move tool ini digunakan saat jendela layer style aktif

lanjot, [CTRL+Click] pada layer back-side yg lu hidden tadi, tros geser ke kanan 30 px, bwat layer baru dengan nama back-stroke, tros kasi warna orange

dengan cara sebelumna, edit bagian ujung yang masih terbuka dengan poligon lasso tool, tentuna dengan warna yg sama

kasi style gradient overlay juga bwat layer back-stroke

sekarang kita bikin highlight na, bwat layer baru namana highlight, pake line tool, dengan w: 8 px dan warna putih

kasi Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur, dengan radius: 4.5 px

kite bakalan ngilangin bagian nyang lebihna, [CTRL+Click] pada layer body, tros [CTRL+SHIFT+I] atow Select > Invers, pencet [DELETE] bwat ngapus bagian lebih na

[CTRL+Click] juga pada front b, dan HAJAR !!! tombol [DELETE] na

Bikin layer baru di atas layer body, dengan nama layer "reflection"

ambil gradient tool, reset gradasina make pencet tombol [D]. tarik gradasi bebas dari kiri ke kanan pada seluruh area canvas

Pilih menu Images > Adjustments > Curves, kasi setting curve kaya gini:

Trasform Rotate layer reflection 30 derajat ke kanan

[CTRL+Click+SHIFT] pada layer front a, back-side, dan body. tros [CTRL+SHIFT+I] dan HAJAR [DELETE] na

ni hasil na

Ubah blending mode na menjadi overlay dan opacity tetep 100 %

hapu dengan eraser tool, pada bagian samping yang keliatan na terlalu gelap akibat penerapan blending mode overlay

bwat layer baru namana plug, di atas layer highlight, dan [CTRL+Click] layer front ana, tros Trasnform Selection (Select > Transform Selection) menjadi lebih keci ldari layer front a

kasi warna grey muda

duplikat layer na dan geser ke kiri, ni bwat objek plug USB na

ulangi langkah sebelumna bwat mbikin body na

kasi gradasi transparent dari kiri atas ke kanan bwah

untuk refleksi na pake cara sebelumna juga

dengan gradasi metal, dari kiri kanan, dan transform rotate 30 derajat ke kanan

seperti biasa, hilangkan bagian lebih na dengan select invers dan delete, dan ubah blending mode na menjadi screen, opacity: 80 %

hapus bagian yang terlalu gelap

bwat hightlight na juga dengan ukuran 2 pixel

kasi blur juga, carana sama persis dengan mbikin highlight sebelumna

slanjotna bikin layer baru lagi, namana kali ini terserah lu dah

kasi gradasi trasparent hitem

sekarang bikin shadow item untuk bagian atas dalem na: pake poligon lasso tool

delete bagian luar na make select invers kaya tadi, dan kasiin blur, sesuaikan dengan selera lu

bikin lempengan putih na, ni bwat element PCB pada USB na

delete bagian luar na

untuk body dalem na pake poligon lasso tool juga, kasi warna grey agak terang, delete lebihna

preview hasil sementara

jimane pegel kan pinggang lu, hihi, gw aja pegel nih tengkuk na...

lanjot yak!!

sempurnakan bagian ujung na, make poligon lasso tool

Bikin kotak hitam bwat lubang plug USB na, bisa make marquee tool, kasi warna item, nama layer na "slot"

trasnform skew 30 derajat

duplikat layer slot, pencet [CTRL+U] ubah warna na menjadi putih, dan geser 1px ke kanan, hapus setengah bagian dari slot duplikat yg berwarna putih

merge kedua layer slot, dan duplikat hasil merge na, sejajarkan biar lurus

kasi text bwat label USB na

trasform skew juga 30 derajat, dan kasi drop shadow dikit

woke, group semua layer sebelumna ke dalam satu layer group

duplikat group na, dan geser ke bawah ... ni bwat refleksi 3D na, kasi text juga yah

tros download USB Sign na disini dlu, untuk objek USB bayangan di bawahna

Konsentrasi pada USB BOTTOM (refleksi 3D na)

kopi paste gambar USB sign ke dalam area kanvas USB BOTTOM, dan perkecil, sesuaikan arahna

Vlip Vertical USB Sign na

Blok semua layer ujung plug, dan Trasform 180 derajat

nah lu atur dah biar objek na ga berseberangan

edit bagian ujung na, tambal make warna yg sama

tht's good brother

woke, saat na me merge masing masing layer group, USB TOP dan BOTTOM, tapi saran gw asli na jangan di merge, mending lu duplikat ulang keduana, ni bwat master desgin USB na

dan trasform hasil merge na, bersamaan, rotate na -30 derapat (ke kiri)

sejajarkan pososi USB bwah na

untuk USB refleksi 3D yg bawah, gw kasi blur, radius: 3px

dan kurangi opacityna menjadi 40 %

ambil poligon lasso tool, bwat bikin bayangan gelap, diantar kedua USB

kasi warna gelap, dan kasiin juga blur

kurangi opacity shadow na menjadi 30 %

terakhir kasi tau tmen2 lu, bwat gabugn disini, biar bisa beljar bareng hihi,... :))

alna akhir2 ini gw sedih, kanapa tmen2 yg pada baca tuts gw cuma sekedar mampir dan liat dowank, komen kek apa kek, jangan diem ajah

hoke brother !!!!


posted by Make Some Better @ Senin, November 24, 2008   0 comments

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