Sabtu, 15 Maret 2008 |
Cold-Hearted Rap - PAULA ABDUL |
How come how come he can he can tell-a tell-a you're-a you're-a Always always number number one without a doubt (He's one cold snake) When-a when-a he is he is always always squirmin' squirmin' Like a little snake under-a e-ver-y-a rock (No give, all take) You've been you've been workin' workin' on the on the love And he's been only only playing undercover all the while (One smooth sharp tongue) Take a take another 'nother look into his eyes (He just talks) And you will on-ly see a rep-tileLabel: Lyric |
posted by Make Some Better @ Sabtu, Maret 15, 2008   |